Monday, September 30, 2019

Electronic Media Essay

Electronic media are that utilize electronics or electromechanical energy for the end user (audience) to access the content. This is in contrast to static media (mainly print media), which are most often created electronically, but don’t require electronics to be accessed by the end user in the printed form. The primary electronic media sources familiar to the general public are better known as video recordings, audio recordings, multimedia presentations, slide presentations, CD-ROM and Online Content. Most new media are in the form of digital media. However, electronic media may be in either analog or digital format. Devices such as televisions, computers and cd-roms that make information available to people. Importance In October 2003, the British humanitarian organization Christian Aid released a report that $4 billion in Iraqi funds, which had been earmarked for reconstruction of the country, had disappeared. The Coalition Provision Authority (CPA), the U.S. controlled body that ruled Iraq at the time, was relegated with handling that money. â€Å"An examination of financial records between June 2003 and October 2004 showed poor bookkeeping and investigators â€Å"found indicators of potential fraud,† the report said â€Å"At the time, the CPA vigorously denied the accusations. By June 2004, the amount of money gone missing had more than doubled from four to almost nine billion dollars. This story was reported with minimal coverage when the announcement was first released. As the investigation progressed, the story of the missing billions was reported several times during the summer months of 2004 and again in January 2005. However, it was never given prominence in any news medium. The writers at Faithful Progressive called it the â€Å"biggest and single most under-reported story of the last year†. News Media and Democracy In a democracy an informed public is of critical importance. In matters regarding the self-interests of the citizenry and of the nation as a whole, knowledge is key in making decisions regarding participation in the process of democracy. Indeed, â€Å"failing to report important news, or reporting news shallowly, inaccurately, or unfairly can leave people dangerously  uninformed†. The mass media of today has tremendous power within society. What and how information is distributed can have indelible consequences for individuals and society as a whole. As such, control of media outlets â€Å"is regarded as a valued form of property for those seeking political or economic power†. Among other sources of power, it is important to note that mass media has the ability to: â€Å"attract and directattention to problems, solutions, or people that can favor those with power; it can confer status and confirm legitimacy; it can be a channel for persuasion and mobilization (Graber, 33). This represents an incredible amount of power, and over the past twenty years or so, people have taken control over these outlets for the sole purpose of attaining both political and economic power. International In the United States, there are three twenty-four hour news networks. President Bill Clinton stated it well in a response to the question of the condition of today’s media. He stated, â€Å"The thing I worry about most is that people will have all the information in the world but won’t have any way of evaluating it†¦That’s what I consider to be the most significant challenge presented to all of you by the explosion of media outlets †¦ in the Information Age.† COMPARISON WITH PRINT MEDIA Illiteracy According to United Nations report Pakistan has 55% literacy rate. This makes it 160th country in world. Because of low literacy rate people cannot read the printed news. This gives an edge to electronic media over print media. Media of future Electronic Media has a clear edge over print media even if ‘new media’ (for eg. The Internet) is not included in it. Print media is more of a ‘habit’ with people and still caters to a sizeable population. But electronic media offers a lot of choice to the people, especially to the youth (GEN Y), the largest growing segment of our population and more importantly, has the  ability to maintain the pace at which the preferences and demands of the Gen Y changes. The shrinking readership of the print publications perhaps is testimony to the changing media consumption pattern of the people today. Although we don’t see an immediate threat to the print media, more so because it is a centuries old media, yet we believe it definitely is not the media of the future. Moreover, electronic media is visually more appealing and more effective in not only conveying a message but by virtue of being a frequency medium, is also effective in registering it, thus ensuring high brand recall amongst viewers & potential customers. For the advertisers and advertising agencies, it provides exciting opportunities to experiment with new and innovative ideas which reduces the media’s dependence on traditional source Which is best? It depends on which area you are in. In rural areas, where there is no technology, print is better, but for the urban areas, electronic media are the best. Print media was supposed to have died 10 years ago, but that has not happened. In terms of mobility and cost print media is better than electronic media. But in terms of speed, coverage and reliability, electronic media are the best. Newspaper is no longer essential, while attending the usual morning business, in the toilet. Laptop is the in thing; one can browse as many e-papers as desired. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM New technology has many social and educational benefits but caregivers and educators have expressed concern about the dangers young people can be exposed to through these technologies. To respond to this concern, some states and school districts have, for example, established policies about the use of cell phones on school grounds and developed policies to block access to certain websites on school computers. Many teachers and caregivers have taken action individually by spot-checking websites used by young people, such as FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE. This brief focuses on the phenomena of electronic aggression: any kind of aggression perpetrated through technology—any type of harassment or bullying (teasing,telling lies, making fun of someone, making rude or mean comments, spreading rumors, or making threatening or aggressive comments) that occurs through email, a chat room,  instant messaging, a website (including blogs), or text messaging. â€Å"Youth is easily deceived, because it is quick to hope.† Aristotle The youth is getting the wrong path by the use of this E-Media. Our main aim is to protect our youth from the dangerous effects of E-Media. In E-media we will target specifically the TV media which is accessible by the whole family especially the youth. Further in youth TV is mostly watched by the women of the family. These effects are either caused intentionally or by the negligence of E-media personals. Intentional effects are either for the promotion of their channels. The E-Media personals are displaying the unethical dramas, either the stories are distracting the youth or the scenes of the drama are disturbing and unethical. They provoke the female and male relationships which are considered unethical in our society. Most of the dramas and soaps are based on love stories and relations of married women with young guys. Some TV shows are provoking aggressiveness in our youth. We will mention a program of ARY MUSIK named LIVING ON THE EDGE. This program consists of unethical, immoral and non islamic dares given to the youth of Pakistan. That is done to provoke aggressiveness and to bring our youth to the level of the unethical youths of western countries. He is trying to copy the programs like FEAR FACTOR, RHOADIES etc. Similarly the E-Media personals are provoking nudity. Either that nudity is in full form or half nudity. We use the term half nudity for the scenes in which women or men are wearing inislamic clothes. Wearing sleeveless, wearing Capri, uncovered hair, uncovered belly etc is completely inislamic. Hereby we will mention some channels that have bought the licenses of western movie channels and are showing scenes containing kisses and some other unethical scenes. Channels are ARY DIGITAL who has recently bought license of HBO. Plus there are our cable operators who are showing unethical channels at midnight and at day time. Smoking scenes also provoke the drug addiction in youth. Previously the ads of cigarettes were banned in order to decrease the percentage of people converting to addiction. But now these smoking scenes are consistently being shown in many dramas and shows. When a youngster watches  his favorite actor smoking in a TV drama and performing stunts or having lots of girlfriends because of that cigarette then that youngster follows him. Same is the case with scenes containing alcohol and beer. Violent footages are also disturbing for the youth. We see many Indian movies which are showing scenes of fights which are followed by the youngsters. Same is happening here these days all the boys are found to be fighting with each other. They think they are living in their ideal movie and they are the heroes. Wrestling and cartoons are watched by the children and they try to implement that in their real life often damaging either themselves or some other member of family. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROBLEM Before examining the state of the news media in today’s society, it is important to define what good reporting of news should be. Doris A. Graber, in her book Media Power in Politics, thinks it important to distinguish between news and truth. â€Å"The function of news is to signalize an event. The function of truth is to bring to light the hidden facts, to set them into relation with each other, and make a picture of reality upon which men can act† (Graber, 41). News dissemination, whether through radio broadcast, newspaper articles, or a web site posting, should perform both functions in order to truly inform. Good news can affect society in positive ways. Determined, sweepingcoverage of important topics can improve local communities, rid government of improper public officials, save lives, and so many other things. Reporting events and uncovering truths is critical for the news media to perform its function. Media is the pillar of a society. Television is a vital source from which most people receive information. News and media delegates on television have abused their powers over society through the airing of appealing news shows that misinform the public. Through literary research and experimentation, it has been proven that people’s perception of reality has been altered by the information they receive from such programs. Manipulation, misinterpretation, word arrangement, picture placement and timing are all  factors and tricks that play a major role in the case. Research, experimentation, and actual media coverage has pinpointed actual methods used for deceptive advertising. Television influences society in many ways. People are easily swayed to accept a belief that they may not normally have unless expressed on television, since many people think that everything they hear on television is true. This, however, is not always the case. It has been observed that over the past twenty to thirty years, normal social behavior, even actual life roles of men and women and media, regulatory policies have all been altered. Media has changed with time, along with quality and respectability. Many people receive and accept false information that is merely used as an attention grabber that better the show’s ratings and popularity. This involves sensationalizing a story to make it more interesting, therefore increasing the interest of the audience. People often know that these shows aim to deceive them, but still accept the information as truth. The E-media has severely damaged our youth and provided them with altered and incorrect information. Thus one whole youth of Pakistan is having incorrect information and has inaccurate knowledge which not only is damage for them but for the whole generations which are to come. Following quotes represent the significance of youth; â€Å"Youth is the trustee of prosperity.

Bacchus And Ariadne

Here, to create drama and depth, the warm hues of Aridness hair are contrasted against the white and pale blue of the sky in the background. Complimentary colors (inside Art', 2014), the rich red and blue of her gown and sash are juxtaposition's and contrasted against the pale colder greens and blues, which form the sea and landscape behind her, creating an aerial perspective (inside Art', 2014). Her face, now turned to Bacchus, is tinged with uncertainty, yet still mourning, her body and up-raised hand gesture towards the sea. Over her left shoulder is the fleeing ship of err husband Theses, who has cruelly abandoned her.However, above her head, the constellation Bacchus has promised her is a token of a happier future. Arid one's gaze directs us to the central figure of the God of wine, who, instantly enthralled by her, is depicted leaping from his chariot. In this vivid rectangle of imagery, the viewer is reminded of the past, present and the future of the unfolding story. The clas sically posed figures of Ridden and Bacchus are created using identical modeling (inside Art', 2014) techniques. Shading and glazing (Nationally, n. D. ) create the luminescence of their pale kin tone.However, most striking is Bacchus' flowing vermilion gown, which mimics the intensity of his passionate expression. To create such a dramatic depiction, Titian has employed a narrow tonal range (inside Art', 2014) and shading to highlight the striking vermilion hues, which he then contrasts against the ultramarine of the sky. These dramatic effects project the God towards the viewer, thus extending the picture plane outwards. Other devices are incorporated to keep the eye moving through the composition. Between Bacchus and Ridden, two cheetahs mimic the central subjects as hey gaze at each other half cast in the shadow.Below Aridness feet, a discarded white robe and amphora distract the gaze. Color is employed to drawn the eye away from the left of the picture space to the right, where three figures form a triangular focal point. Central to this is a nymph clashing cymbals together, her gown of complimentary hues of real and ultramarine are juxtaposition's; to her left, the faun, dragging the decapitated head Of a deer, stares out mischievously through the picture plane, and the last of the trio is the shaded muscular figure entwined with rotting snakes.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Meichenbaum’s Self-instructional training

Problem: Feeling insecure about not being intelligent enough compared to my classmates. Phase 1: Self-observation I have been an average student all my life, and I am aware that at times I feel insecure and doubt my own abilities to be able to complete the required tasks and assignments in my classes to be able to finish this program. When an instructor gives out assignments or projects I always ask myself whether I could do it or not, most of the time I feel I can’t. Then when during class discussions or debates I listen to my classmates and I wonder how eloquently they are able to share their thoughts and argue their opinions.I often listen to myself and my internal dialogue had been how unsure I am of my answers, how I fear talking in front of my classmates because I might not be able to give the correct answer. I want to be able to change this behavior and negative self-perception; I want to be more confident and smart in class. Phase 2: Starting a new internal dialogue Ac cording to Meichenbaum, the second stage in the behavioral change process is to start a new internal dialogue that is not in accordance with the old negative internal dialogue.The client can work with this new internal dialogue with the therapist, but I guess I could do it without the help of the therapist. I could basically throw rebuttals to my negative internal dialogues. If for example, I say I am not smart, then my new internal dialogue would be that I always had good grades, I never failed a course and that is being smart. I could also say to myself that there will always be people who are better than me and that I am better than others too. Phase 3: Learning a new skillIn this phase, the client learns new behaviors to cope with the negative internal dialogues and to be able to learn skills that would bring about behavior change. For me, I could probably learn how to be able to speak more confidently and I could do that by observing how my classmates put their thoughts togethe r and how they deliver it in class. I could buy a book about public speaking or better communication skills and learn it. I could also ask my classmates their strategies for studying and maybe learn those strategies to be able to study better and have higher grades.

Character of Curley Essay

Candy joined the attack with joy â€Å"Glove fulla vaseline† ; he said disgustedly I didn’t wanta; Lennie cried. I didn’t wanta hurt him. Ques : Explore how the language in this extract influences your view of Curly? The language used in the extract shows Curley to be hateful, violent and angry. The extract describes a scene where by Curley is attacking Lennie, and it begins mid-attack. From the beginning of the extract it is clear that Curley is in an angry mood from the way that he â€Å"glared† at Candy when Candy joins the attack. Steinbeck uses a simile to describe Curley – â€Å"Curley stepped over like a terrier.† This comparison to a terrier works on two levels because a terrier is both small and aggressive, and Curley’s small size and aggressive nature are theme not only in the extract, but also throughout the book. When Curley speaks to Lennie, he uses obscene language and such as â€Å"bastard† and â€Å"son-of-a-bit ch.† This further gives the reader the impression that Curley is rude and aggressive, and also that he dislikes Lennie. Curley attacks Lennie, punching him in the face and stomach, but at first Lennie does not fight back or defend himself. However, Curley continues to attack him. At this point, the reader feels sympathy for Lennie and feels that Curley is the guilty aggressor. This feeling is shared by Slim, who jumps up and calls Curley a â€Å"dirty little rat.† The language used here creates a very negative portrayal of Curley, as rats are very dirty animals But then when Lennie does finally fight back, we see a different and weaker side to Curley. Lennie is much bigger and stronger than Curley. Lennie catches Curley fist with ease and Curley is left â€Å"flopping like a fish on a line.† This use of simile shows Curley to be weak and defenceless and shows that Lennie has caught him out. There is a sudden transition from Curley being violent and aggressive (like a terrier ) to him being beaten up and defeated â€Å"Curley was white and shrunken by now†¦ He stood crying.†

Saturday, September 28, 2019

International Project Management Association Essay

?International Association of Project and Program Management (IAPPM) Vision- (iappm. org 2013) To enhance and add value to our global members and the project community at large allowing them to manage projects and programs successfully using the right tools, skillsets and methods. Mission- (iappm. org 2013)As a worldwide global project organization IAPPM will create value together with our members, project communities, business partners and corporations by leveraging our content, collaboration and business management insight. The IAPPM focuses on project and program management in the private sector, offering their insight to partners, PM communities, and members globally. International Project Management Association (IPMA) Vision- (ipma. ch, 2013) Our Vision: IPMA is the leading authority on competent project, programme and portfolio management (PPPM). Through our efforts, PM best practice is widely known and appropriately applied at all levels of public and private sector organizations. IPMA directs attention to the portfolio aspect as well as project management on a global scale. IPMA also includes public sector project management for governments and other public agencies. American Society for the Advancement of Project Management (ASAPM) Vision- (asapm. org, 2013) asapm is the U. S. A. ’s premier Project and Program Manager performance-based credentialing organization, and a tireless advocate of effective project management practice throughout all organizations. Appropriate and effective elements of PM Performance are widely demonstrated and acknowledged, not just by PM practitioners, but by all individuals in all organizations. ASAPM acknowledges interest and membership for any individuals for membership. ASAPM also claims to be part of IPMA as an American focused branch. Project Management Institute (PMI) PMI does not have a vision statement. They do however, have list of core values. From these values I infer PMI focuses on certifying and advancement of PM professionals. They also clearly define and explain project management to inquisitive and unaware. References http://www. iappm. org/about. htm http://ipma. ch/about/ http://www. asapm. org/a_home. asp http://www. pmi. org/

HBD- portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HBD- portfolio - Essay Example This group deals in individual lifestyle hotels and provides a friendly environment to all its guests. The guests at Swire Hotel Group are served with spontaneity and freedom reflected through personalities of all hotel staff. This Group as their unique hotels located across United Kingdom, China and Hong Kong. The House Collective comprises a range of individual hotels located across Asia. East brand has its magnificent business hotels located in Hong Kong, Miami and Beijing. Chapter Hotels part of Swire Group are located in heart of British cities. They are mainly found in Exeter and Cheltenham. There are two other hotels of this Group located in Brighton and Bristol. Swire Hotel Group mainly focuses on upper income class segment. There are two categories of individuals who are mainly targeted. One belongs to business class and the other represents tourist visiting a place from around the globe. Hotel’s architecture is designed by taking into consideration taste and preferences of mentioned customer segments. Swire hotels can be stated as a profitable division of Swire Properties. Swire Properties is a wholly owned subsidiary of a blue chip company known as Swire Pacific. This Group comprises of three major luxury hotel brands such as The House Collective, Chapter Hotels and EAST. Swire Hotels was launched in 2008 and it encompasses urban hotels in United Kingdom, Mainland China and Hong Kong. The launch of Swire Hotels Group has provided wide range of choices for its entire customer segment. Synergy of investment and mixed-used developments has strengthened the market position of the firm. This Group mainly deals in luxury hotel and targets upper income class segment. The hospitality industry can be stated as an intensely competitive segment and this factor has enabled the Group not to restrict in one particular location. UK market possesses high purchasing power and this can prove to be a positive factor for growth or

Friday, September 27, 2019

Just War Theory and How It Relates to Desert Storm and the War in Research Paper

Just War Theory and How It Relates to Desert Storm and the War in Afghanistan - Research Paper Example Operations Desert Storm or Gulf war was conducted during 17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991, between an UN-authorized coalition forces from 34 nations against Iraq. The UN coalition forces were headed by America and the reason for this war was Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. George Bush Sr. was the American president at that time. The current Afghan war was started in 2001, immediately after the 9/11 incident. This war is often labeled as war on terror and the reason cited for this war was that terrorists use Afghan soil for conducting violent activities across the world. Taliban was accused for keeping nexus with other terrorist organizations in the world. In other words, America suspects that Taliban, Al Qaida and other terrorist organizations are working against America from Afghan soil. Politicians and neutral observers have different opinions about operation desert storm and Afghan war. Some people support these wars whereas others oppose it. This paper analyses operati on desert storm and Afghan war in terms of just war theory. Historically, the just war tradition may be said to commonly evolve between two culturally similar enemies. That is, when an array of values are shared between two warring peoples, we often find that they implicitly or explicitly agree upon limits to their warfare. But when enemies differ greatly because of different religious beliefs, race, or language, and as such they see each other as â€Å"less than human†, war conventions are rarely applied (Mosely). Gulf War took place between two culturally similar countries. Muslims or Arabs in Kuwait and Iraq have same religious beliefs and customs. There are plenty of similarities between Iraqis and Kuwaitis. Under such circumstances, one can definitely conclude that just war theory is definitely applicable to Gulf war. On the other hand, war in Afghanistan is taking place between Christian dominated America and Muslim dominated Taliban or Afghan people. Even though Muslim s and Christians do have a common father in Abraham (Jewism, Islam and Christianity are three Abrahamic religions), their beliefs and customs are entirely different. Christians believe that Jesus the saviour of human kind whereas Muslims believe that Prophet Mohammad is the saviour of humans. In short, Afghan war cannot be included under the just war theory since two culturally different parties are fighting each other here. â€Å"It has been the concern of the majority of just war theorists that the lack of rules to war or any asymmetrical morality between belligerents should be denounced, and that the rules of war should apply to all equally† (Mosely). Saddam’s ambitions to expand Iraq’s territory were resulted in Gulf War. Iraq failed to accept Kuwait as a sovereign state and they tried to conquer it using muscle power. Saddam argued that Kuwait is part of Iraq historically and it should be added to Iraq’s territories. On the other hand, international community was not convinced by these arguments and the result was Gulf War. On the other hand, 9/11 caused war on terror and Afghan war. America started two war fronts; one in Afghanistan and another in Iraq immediately after the 9/11 incident. America believed that Saddam has joined hands with Al Quaid leader Osama to conduct terrorist activities in America. In their opinion, the Taliban dominated Afghanistan was the origin of all

Horror Films In American Cinema Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 words - 1

Horror Films In American Cinema - Movie Review Example Horror movies are an all-time favorite for those looking to learn from the world of the unknown that surrounds us. Although most of the movies are fictional stories with fictional depictions, the research that goes into developing the story and the screenplay rely vastly on real-life incidents and imaginative capacities of the production team. Although the 1890s was when horror movies began in cinematic history, it was not till epic creations like Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde and movies of the 1920s which took over the horror film industry, which had thrived on petty popularity till then, and comprised of vampire, monsters and ghost stories. Fables that had witches and angels fighting over the safety of human life were also created during this age. Prominent movies that dotted the timeline till 1920 include the Hunchback of Notre Dame in 1911 (French), The Vampires 1915 (German), The Vampire in 1913, A Fool There Was in 1915, and so many more. While these films were mostly silent and marked the explorations of imagination by directors of the silent era, prominent movies started emerging with better-defined screenplays and images after the year of 1920. The 1921 European movie The Death of Dracula and the 1922 German movie Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror were prominent creations that rocked the American movi e industry, owing to the creation and growth of Hollywood the ultimate American movie industry. Although Hollywood had a long time to grow, there were other movies like the Frankenstein films like the 1915 movie Life Without Soul by Joseph Smiley and the 1910 movie Frankenstein by J. Searle Dawley. These movies would be of variable length and would be of historic importance to students of cinema making one day, but at that point in time, these movies were various adaptations of the novels that inspired them and were more of a pre-film idea of how to adapt the story to the screen effectively.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 64

Assignment Example There was a difference of twelve years after which attempts were made again. The two successful colonies were thus discovered. They succeeded because of â€Å"profit seeking impulses of gentlemen backers than to a desire to create refuges for English people beset by religious, economic and political woes at home. (Anderson, 195)† Diseases like plague destroyed the colonies and measles and the colonists inferred it was God’s action to vacate the colonial land such that His selected men could occupy the same. Puritan religion dominated entire New England except the Rhode Island. The founders of the two successful colonies of New England were of Puritan origin and got themselves involved in hiring people from their co-religious backdrops. Though a few of the settlers did not have common views with that of the founders, they were rather governed b the â€Å"common purpose†. However the Puritans found the growing turn towards Protestant thoughts or Armenianism. Evangelical religion in fact is a reputed movement of Protestants and the turn of thought towards this religion took place during early eighteenth century (Bebbington,

Network Operating Systems and Security BEng Assignment

Network Operating Systems and Security BEng - Assignment Example In the context of network security definition, it consists of concerns related to network communication privacy, confidentiality of data over the network, accessing unauthorized classified data, access to prohibited network domains and utilizing Internet for concealed communication (Network Security. 2007). The security predictions that were published in an article for the year 2010 incorporates new advanced threats named as advanced persistent threats (APT), Cyber war escalates, VoIP attacks, Perimeter shrinks and harden, social networking sites, malware, DLP for intellectual property protection and malware as a service (MaaS) (Watchguard Unveils Top 10 Security Predictions for 2011. 2011). In order to protect the computer network, organizations emphasize on implementing hardware and software application as well as a security policy. This policy is followed by constructing a security policy document that defines rules and procedures. A typical security policy is constructed on a set of rules that defines authorization and access of network resources of an organization (, what is security policy? definition and meaning).The aim of implementing these security policies is to establish rules and procedures for improper use of network services. Moreover, the objective is to create a framework that will assist in identification and prevention of unauthorized access of network services (, Network Security Policy). Network security issues can lead to many different aspects. For example, if the server containing customer data is breached, organization will lose its credibility and trust among the customer and that will result in business loss. Similarly, if a critical system is hacked by internal or external sources, organization’s financial data along with goals and objectives can be revealed to other competitors. In order to eliminate the threats including unauthorized access, viruses, Trojans, malware and malicious codes, a security policy document is require d. The document will provide a consistent framework to secure the integrity of the network along with eliminating risk abided by security threats and vulnerabilities. 2 Risk Assessment Risk assessment is a process to evaluate risks associated with threats and vulnerabilities to the network. Three factors will be considered in this scenario i.e. Assets, Threats and Security Priority Identification. 2.1 Assets The identification of information assets is vital before conducting risk assessment. Information assets are defined as the entities that hold organization data. A good definition is available on ‘’ which states it as, â€Å"information assets are specific to your business functions and business strategies, they may be contained within broad categories such as contractual and legislative compliance, those needing virus prevention, those critical to business recovery following security compromises, etc.† The information assets for an organization wil l be technology assets, data asset, service asset and people asset. In case of educational establishment the assets that need to be prioritized are: file space server, Linux web server, finance server, student database and email server. 2.2 Threats Threats are defined as

THE single MOST critical issue facing leaders & managers NOW (today Essay

THE single MOST critical issue facing leaders & managers NOW (today - Essay Example The principal feature of talent management regards the fact that it occurs in every department. It shifts several duties from the human resource department. It also involves strategies of attracting and retaining human capital in form of employees. This is a method of employing linked human resource processes in attaining a firm’s single benefit. There are vital elements that talent management should consider. Traditional opinion considers the lower staff as the entity that deserves talent management. However, talent achieves a wider perspective in the sense of a company. Talent would refer to discovered and unrealized potential. This means that simple elements such as observing individuals’ emotions should be harnessed. Teams that possess proper coordination can also perform at a higher level. In order that a company harnesses proper growth, the best individuals need engagement and development from the company. Leading organizations are aware of the trick of driving superior business performance by managing exceptional talents. Additionally, talent management should respect the fact that every employee has a way of expressing their talents. This relates to the fact every individual is unique. It means that they harness their distinct nature for better performance of themselves. Research proves that harnessing every individual’s potential creates competitive strength. Besides, talent management should involve proper analysis of comprehensive data. This necessitates that companies should align their employees with the work environment (Shukla, 2009). Most organizations invest in understanding and analyzing technology. In terms of talent management, this should refer to the insight that organizations focus on utilizing human resources. Talent management systems ease the task of designing performance reviews. This pertains to employing a workflow that automates

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Divorce rate throughout the world, causes of, disadvantages and Essay

Divorce rate throughout the world, causes of, disadvantages and advantages of - Essay Example Some people think that cohabitation which can be loosely described as an act of indulging in sexual intercourse between two people leads to a lasting relationship. Various sociological researches have indicated that there are dangers such as divorce likely to be encountered by couples who cohabitate before they get married or those who cohabitate with multiple partners. Some couples use sex as a way of measuring if true love exists between them but chances of divorce are very high since there will be no commitment to each other among these people (Champlin, 2003). Sociological researches have shown that cohabitors before marriage report low satisfaction with their marriages that non cohabitors. About 50 % of cohabitors often experience conflicts which often lead to bitter divorces (Champlin, 2003). The rate of divorce is higher among the young couples compared to adult people as a result of the fact that young people in particular expect more from each other (Seiler, 2002). Instead of communicating and settling differences in an amicable way, some people tend to use violence to subdue their partners. Thus, lack of intimacy and communication characterised by violence between a couple can lead to divorce (Wynne & Wynne, 1986). Research has shown that chances of child abuse are very high among couples who have divorced than those still living together. According to Champlin (2003), children belonging to divorced parents often experience cases of child abuse more than those living with both parents. Divorced couples often find it difficult to relate with close relatives. Some of the people are bitter such that they find it difficult to fit in the society. This bitterness negatively impacts on their welfare since they may end up living solitary life (Weinberger, Hofstein, & Whitbourne, 2009). In certain circumstances, divorce is the best solution to couples who always engage in bitter and often violent conflicts. This

Media's influnces Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Media's influnces - Research Paper Example As such, the power that media has upon the lives of individual around the globe is dynamic and likely will increase as globalization and media integration continue to be evidenced. As a function of seeking to understand the impact that media has on stakeholders within society, the following analysis will engage the reader with some of the most prominent ways in which media impacts the way in which people think, act, and define/constrain their lives. A negative aspect regarding the current realities of media coverage and terrorism is with respect to the overall level of understanding that continual 24/7 coverage of terrorism related events ultimately has upon societal consciousness. If one considers, for instance, the recent Boston bombing was indicative of the way in which media proliferation and continual coverage worked to undermine any type of understanding, realization, or remorse for the events and focused upon anything but rational or substantiated reports. In effect, the media circus that surrounds many of the terrorism incidents, especially those take place to mastic way, has escalated to such a scale as to diminish any semblance of professional reporting and devolve this into something of a media circus/frenzy in which each and every potential angle and/or hearsay is given air time and discussed as a means of continually providing the viewer/listener/reader with a new take, a new stance, or new information concerning the topic at hand. Ultimately, all of this is done as a means of providing the media outlet with a further level of revenue. This is due to the fact that they are solely and completely aware of the realization that their profits and revenues are contingent upon their ability to continue to manufacture and engage the participant with what can be considered â€Å"new† information. Understanding that is necessary to continually compete with the viewer/reader/listener’s attention, these media outlets engage in a form and level of coverage that would have been unheard of that a few years previously. Although such a level of analysis is circumstantial at best, the reader could seek to create a level of understanding between the rapid increase in global terrorism and the rapid increase in media coverage that it is garnered over the past 10 years time. The profit-driven nature of the news media strikes at the very core of the issue up for discussion within this analysis. Ultimately, the very sad reality is that the news media derives a very great deal of profitability of the suffering and magnitude of harm that both man-made and natural disasters in her around the world (Thomas 53). At Within such an understanding, it becomes quite obvious to the reader that the news media is ultimately desirous of events such as terrorist actions which will greatly increase the scope of viewership that they would otherwise derive any one particular time. Although this is indeed sadistic, a rapid increase in viewership as a res ult of terrorist action allows for the news/media outlets to rapidly increase its profitability. Once again, although such a reality is difficult to fathom and completely understand within an ethical interpretation of the current paradigm, it is nonetheless true and impacts upon the extent and level to which terrorism is engaged and the extent and level to which societal stakeholders are presented with a continual influx of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Current Rise of Gang Related Homicides in South Los Angeles Essay - 2

The Current Rise of Gang Related Homicides in South Los Angeles - Essay Example The gang members were mostly at the age bracket of 16 years to 25 years. Seventy-three percent of gang members are in their school going age with 35 percent being school dropouts. Twelve percent had dropped out of school. The rate of homicide in Watt is relatively high in comparison to other areas of Los Angeles. There is an increase in the levels of homicides experienced in South LA from 18 in 2009, 21 in 2010, and 27 in 2011 (Street Gangs, 2014). One of the prominent features about these cases is that they occur along racial lines because the California state thrives in racial discrimination. Of the 10 cases reported in 2014, most of the victims of homicides were African-Americans. The main methods used in perpetrating these crimes include the use of guns and stabbing. The main reason for a high level of racial based homicides in South LA is that the gang members mostly belong to a particular race. The existence of such problems calls for policies that will curb the effects of drug trafficking and other hardcore crimes related to gang-related homicides. One such policy is an action that will prevent the children and the youth from joining the gangs, which ensures that the gangs fade away with time. This work explores the theoretical implementation approach of the policy by the California State Government. The youths and the children are of particular interest because the activities mostly affect them either directly or indirectly. Gang-related homicides bring along with them other issues, which are detrimental to the society. One such issue is the rise in school dropout related to the ability of gangs to attract college students who in most cases end up quitting their studies. A critical issue attached to gangs is a decline in general safety in the community. Rise in the levels of assaults, crimes and homicides perpetrated by gangs keep the community’s security at a vulnerable state. Gang activities limit freedom of

Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Research - Essay Example This has resulted in losing focus on the real reason teachers should focus upon diversity issues, i.e., to better understand their students and help them learn in a heterogeneous classroom. Personal Reaction. My personal reaction to this article is agreement. I think that diversity should extend beyond race and language to include other significant differences in the classroom. I agree that teachers should focus on providing the best possible learning environment. Summary. The article by Linda Pickett (2008) asserts that every child is, at its core, an intact human being. As such, they have a hunger for learning, an inborn sense of what is fair, and a desire for validation that, if given, is returned. She notes that in spite of these characteristics, society is war-torn and full of ethnic conflicts that require the cultivation of nurturing children in their innate good qualities. In spite of the increase of social diversity, however, most debates in education focus on maintaining a competitive edge in global competition. Thus, she concludes, educators must find a way to bring families and children together as partners in fostering tolerance. Personal Reaction. I agree that teachers can occupy a unique position to encourage diversity. I am not convinced that the primary focus of current education debate is literacy, math, and science, however. I think that diversity is a concentration point, if not a debate, in the profession. Important Questions (3). How can teachers foster the innate goodness of young children? Is diversity taking second place to global competitiveness? If given the opportunity during early pre-school education, will children demonstrate tolerance as they develop? Summary. In a very interesting article on poverty as a component of classroom diversity, Cuthrell, Ledford, & Stapleton (2007) provide a compelling story of a young

Monday, September 23, 2019

William's Willson Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

William's Willson Argument - Essay Example Quality of life is not a simple identifier, nor is it necessarily easy to determine what the term actually means as some people identify the quality of their lives based on different metrics. For some, quality is about health and family. For others, it centers upon money or position. There is another group of people who define quality of life in terms of personal or professional fulfillment. To guide the analysis here, it will be useful to review Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to find a baseline for a life that has quality. In their review of what motivates humans, Stacey & DeMartino (1958) note the arrangement of human needs, as presented by Maslow, to be five levels, each building upon the other, i.e., physiological needs, then safety needs, love needs, followed by esteem needs, and concluded with the need for self-actualization (p. 2). The logic of this hierarchy is straightforward in that a person who is hungry or in danger is not going to be concentrating on whether they are being actualized or fulfilled. At that moment, quality of life means food or safety. This is where the question of what quality of life means to an individual comes into play. For example, there are many who equate higher quality of life with financial means or the higher social status money brings to an individual. Yet, a child born to the richest person in the world who has terminal cancer would likely not be identified as having a high quality of life. The ability of the disease, which no amount of money or social class can cure, obviates what most would describe as a high-quality life. The poor minority family with healthy children could arguable be sustaining a higher quality of life. For the purposes of this paper, however, the assumption will be that quality of life includes the premise that sufficient physiological health and safety are assured, and the qualities of love, self-esteem, and fulfillment are the variable

Business Constant Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Constant Development - Essay Example The world around this business can never remain unchanged as every second, something happens. Every change, whether it is demographic or social, leaves a certain impact on the business and everything around it (Pride et al 2011 3). Demographic changes around the world have showcased that there has been an ever-increasing change in the population that means more chances of economic growth and employment. These changes are actually reconstructing the labor market all around the world and are eventually changing the picture of many running businesses. There has been a decline in the birth rate which has resulted in an aging population. Many businesses like the ones in Japan have adapted to this change by making many sensible decisions like investing in robotics for children care and the aged care (Schoemer 2001 21). Whereas in case of social changes, these are considered to be some short-lived fads or they bring some very permanent changes in the market. When a social trend makes its pl ace, it means that it will be followed by some changes in supply and demand of a certain commodity/industry. This can leave both, good and bad, impact on the business. ... This is how these demographic and social changes appear, leave an impact and wait to see their effects on the businesses. Once adapted successfully results in a completely positive effect on the business’s future. It is now the responsibility of the business to respond to these changes and developments that occur. And in order to perform this, CSR has been developed which stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. In this, business professionals make efforts to come up with numerous ways which can be used by the business to overcome all these changes and cope with this situation. This is one of the ways which has been found pretty successful for the business. If a business fails to manage to learn effectively with the ongoing change in the market, all the hard work and time it puts to make an attempt to adapt to change comes to drain. (Johnson and Turner 2003 334) Demographic changes bring a transformation in the workforce and the number of customers. Every country experience s different situations i.e. in some, birth rate keeps on increasing whereas in some it declines, leading to an aging population. The latter situation is not at all favorable for any business as this means a decline in the number of people who can render their services. This means the supply of labor in the market will fall, leading to higher wage rate in the market in order to attract the workers, as the business will be demanding more to carry on their production processes (Brindley 2008 43). A business can cope with this situation successfully if it implements some strategic clever plans for improving the mobility, quality of jobs, job creation, life-longing training and learning programs and managing change with diversity.  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Courthouse Hotel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Courthouse Hotel - Essay Example At the Courthouse Hotel, individuals in management positions felt that there were no opportunities for further achievement. For this reason, turnover rates at the Courthouse Hotel are high. Turnover in this form is detrimental to the entire morale of the organisation. Staff witness unsatisfied co-workers quitting their jobs because of the assumption that in terms of personal avenues for success, the company is a dead-end. As a consequence, the entire group suffers lack of confidence in the organisation. The Courthouse Hotel has poor retention rates. People resourcing and hiring practises are faulty and disordered. Staff persons are employed on an as-needed basis, which means the hotel uncertainly staffed, insufficiently prepared for business or anticipated business growth. As the current people resourcing practise stands, the hotel will not succeed. Hiring procedures will not meet the needs of a sixty percent growth in trade. In terms of staff already employed by the hotel, these employees show no little satisfaction with their jobs. Employees ponder the improved flexibility and conditions offered by the national and international hotel chains in town. Facing company change, the new business owner should fear leave-taking. Unless assured of their future success with the Courthouse Hotel, the current staff will leave before the fruits of renovations are encountered. The acute fault of peo... II. Recommendations A). Management Strategy Based upon the observed framework of the old hotel and the future needs of the renovated hotel, staff stability must be fortified. Considering the anticipated sixty percent growth of trade, the continuation of present employees is desired for sheer capatown of staff. The strategy suggested to the new owner of the Courthouse Hotel is the Ashridge Mission Model (. This model comes from the Cultural School of Strategic Management, teaching that the organisation must function as a cohesive unit, succeeding internally as well as externally (Mintzberg 2005). The company mission is a strategic tool to provide unity of direction and confidence of staff. The strengths of the Ashridge Mission Model counter the defects of the Courthouse Hotel. Pertaining to Stability of Tenure, the 'Mission' of the model is intended to motivate staff to excellent performance, thereby instilling confidence in their position. Pertaining to Unity of Direction, or the inaccessibility of staff feeling was inaccessible to all staff, the Ashridge model's strength is in its Mission Statement. The Mission Statement "provides a sense of direction" and is intended to "refocus an organisation during crises."(Ashridge) Although reorganisation is not a crisis, the incapatown of the current management to facilitate change while reinforcing staff morale is an acute predicament. The shared values provide unity among employees and improve their Espirit de Corps. The value in using this model to restrategise people resourcing is clear. Employees have reason to lack morale and confidence in their management team, also confidence that they will retain their jobs. The have little motivation to do so.

Discussion Questions Essay Example for Free

Discussion Questions Essay What are the advantages of concept analysis in relation to theory development? Are these disadvantages? Why or why not? What are some examples of concept analyses that have an enhanced nursing practice in your work experience? Which theories- less conceptual and more factual- are more user-friendly in the practice setting? Why? General Questions General General Questions In chapter 1, specific explanations are given of the terms â€Å"disability† and â€Å"handicap†. Create a scenario of a student with a â€Å"disability† and discuss at least three â€Å"handicaps† that could be needlessly imposed on this student. Include discussion of what the special education services team should do to eliminate those handicaps. If you recently entered college, one of the first things that you should do is purchase your books from the bookstore. This will help you to reduce the stresses that you will face as the year begins, as you should always come prepared with the right materials and texts for school. The work NUR 513 Week 1 Discussion Questions includes solutions on the following questions: What are the advantages of concept analysis in relation to theory development? Are these disadvantages? Why or why not? What are some examples of concept analyses that have an enhanced nursing practice in your work experience? Which theories- less conceptual and more factual- are more user-friendly in the practice setting? Why? General Questions General General Questions In chapter 1, specific explanations are given of the terms â€Å"disability† and â€Å"handicap†. Create a scenario of a student with a â€Å"disability† and discuss at least three â€Å"handicaps† that could be needlessly imposed on this student.  Include discussion of what the special education services Follow the link to get tutorial If you recently entered college, one of the first things that you should do is purchase your books from the bookstore. This will help you to reduce the stresses that you will face as the year begins, as you should always come prepared with the right materials and texts for school. General Questions General General Questions In chapter 1, specific explanations are given of the terms â€Å"disability† and â€Å"handicap†. Create a scenario of a student with a â€Å"disability† and discuss at least three â€Å"handicaps† that could be needlessly imposed on this student. Include discussion of what the special education services team should do to eliminate those handicaps.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Historical Recording of a Fictitious Story Essay Example for Free

A Historical Recording of a Fictitious Story Essay One powerful factor in effective storytelling lies in the strong characterization of the figures in the story, and the novel, â€Å"Don Quixote† sustains this factor. In the beginning of the novel, Miguel de Cervantes warns his â€Å"idle readers† (Cervantes, page __) that he simply wants to relate the story of a stepson who lived a ridiculous but great life, saying thus: â€Å"My wish would be simply to present it to thee plain and unadorned, without any embellishment of preface or uncountable muster of customary sonnets, epigrams, and eulogies, such as are commonly put at the beginning of books. † (Cervantes, page__). The second part of the novel reveals a similar contention, this time uttered by Cide Hamete Benengeli in Chapter LXXIV. The reputed father of Don Quixote de La Mancha, Benengeli says, â€Å"For me alone Don Quixote was born and I for him. His was the power of action, mine of writing. † (Cervantes, page ___). By repeating these contentions, Miguel de Cervantes emphasizes and reiterates the idea that Don Quixote is a real character, a man who is not merely a product of a novelist’s imagination, but a tangible entity. Cervantes and his phantom figure, Benengeli, claim that they are merely recorders of Don Quixote’s deeds and misdeeds. Cervantes declares thus in his preface: â€Å"In belief of the good reception and honours that Your Excellency bestows on all sort of books, as prince so inclined to favor good arts, chiefly those who by their nobleness do not Customer’s last name 2 submit to the service and bribery of the vulgar, I have determined bringing to light The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of la Mancha. † (Cervantes, page__). Cervantes distances himself from the character by saying that he is merely a recorder of a person’s history, not a creator of a person so intriguingly chivalrous and comical at the same time. In doing so, Cervantes strengthens the character of Don Quixote, making him a mystery, and an enigma. Was he real, or was he imaginary? This intriguing question has kept readers all over the world and across generations to keep turning the pages of this humorous novel, and in this respect, Cervantes achieves his triumph in making the adventures of a tragic and comic knight-errant, a very engaging read. The two mentioned passages delineating one contention are significant in the reading of the novel as a whole. Promoting Don Quixote as a tangible entity, a real character, makes the novel more humorous, more effective, and more influential; the themes and sentiments imbibed in the story are therefore communicated more strongly. Cervantes provides a critical commentary on the Spanish lifestyle and morals at the time the novel was written, and one way to take a humorous novel seriously, is to project it as a palpable, realistic account of one person’s adventures and misadventures. This in itself is an ingenious literary style. Making Don Quixote an enigma and claiming that he is real, reflects the ridiculous and preposterous nature of the novel. Cervantes is ultimately making a literary statement: that in a world and in a time when chivalric ideals are appropriate, yet overrated, a society that is suspended between the grandiose aspects of chivalry and the humility of noble chivalric ideals must examine its principles very closely. If it fails to do, it may likewise fight windmills instead of giants, and therein lays a societal problem too unbelievably difficult to overcome. Works Cited Cervantes, M. Don Quixote. (Publication Information).

Theories on Stages of Sleep

Theories on Stages of Sleep Paul Stolt Jr In our textbook it says that, â€Å"REM sleep makes up the remaining 20 per cent of your sleep time. It is pronounced â€Å"rem† and stands for rapid eye movement sleep because your eyes move rapidly back and forth behind closed lids† (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 153). The brain waves that are present in REM sleep are beta waves, which is the same kind that are present when a person is awake. Also, during this stage, the body is alert, but the muscles are paralyzed, thus prohibiting movement during this time. The REM sleep stage is the one that the process of having dreams occurs in. According to our text, a person passes through the REM sleep stage about five or six times a night. The intervals in between these stages are approximately half an hour to an hour and a half long. Most people are in the REM sleep stage for about half an hour to forty-five minutes, before they enter the NREM, or Non REM, sleep stage. An individual’s heart rate and blood pressure a re typically higher in REM, indicating a more alert state in this stage than in the non REM stage. Creative thinking processes are more present during REM sleep, probably due to a lack of activity in the areas of the brain that are responsible for critical thinking. Students need REM sleep in order to transfer the knowledge that they have stored throughout the day in short term memory, into long term memory. This stage helps to promote the encoding process, which is responsible for the transfer. Once the information is encoded during the REM stage, it becomes easier to recall at a later time for tests and exams. There is an indication in the human body of the need for REM sleep, because if someone has not spent enough time in this stage the previous night, the body will compensate by spending more time in REM the following night. The Alpha stage occurs right before people drift off to sleep. During this stage, people start to feel tired and relaxed, often just lying in bed with their eyes closed, and random thoughts, such as activities of the previous day, or the plans that they may have the following day, present in their thoughts. According to the text book, â€Å"Alpha waves have a low amplitude and high frequency, (8 to 12 cycles per second)† (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 152). After the alpha stage, Non REM Sleep, or NREM for short, occurs. This stage is where most people spend 80 per cent of their time while sleeping. This type of sleep is divided into four stages, each stage being associated with unique brain wave patterns and biological responses (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014). In the first stage of Non REM sleep, there is a transition that occurs from being wide awake and alert, to drifting off to sleep. This stage usually lasts from about one to seven minutes long. The text says that this s tage is â€Å"marked by the presence of theta waves, which are lower in amplitude and lower in frequency (4 to 7 cycles per second) than alpha waves† (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 152). Next, the person passes through the second stage of sleep. In the second stage, there are rapidly occurring periods of what researchers call sleep spindles. In this stage, physiological processes such as breathing, a person’s body temperature, and their heart rate slowly decrease, and they become harder to wake up. This stage is what most researchers define as a person being asleep. Next, after about half an hour to forty five minutes of falling asleep, the individual enters stages three and four of Non REM sleep. Delta waves are present in stage three, and these are defined as â€Å"large, slow brain waves, meaning they have very high amplitude and very low frequency† (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 152). As the person moves on to stage four in Non REM sleep, they experience a significant increase in the presence of Delta waves. During this stage, biological processes such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature, and the flow of blood to the brain are dramatically decreased, and the body secretes a substance called GH, or growth hormone, which is responsible for controlling the metabolic rate in the body, physical growth in the body, and the development of the human brain. After this stage, the individual passes back through the second and third stages of Non REM, and enters into the dreaming, or REM, stage of sleep. The necessity of sleep for a living organism can be explained in two logical ways. The first is that the body repairs and restores itself while it is resting. In one theory, the human brain repairs and restores itself while sleeping. It has also been proven that chemicals that are harmful to our system are flushed out during the sleeping process. Some research has also suggested that the immune system is impaired because of sleep deprivation (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2013). The second way that it can be explained is the Conservation theory. This theory suggests that the need to conserve energy at night for the human race promoted the need for sleep. In other words, since it was dark out, and there was little light to be able to see, that time was better spent resting instead of moving about. It would seem that as an individual goes throughout their lifetime, the need for sleep is greatest during the early years, and less as they get older. When an infant is born, the average time that they spend asleep is about seventeen hours a day, with half of that time spent in REM sleep. Then, when they get a little older, such as approximately around four years old, they sleep about ten hours a day, with about 25 to 30 per cent of that time spent in REM sleep. A little later, around the teenage years, the amount of sleep that is required is about 9 hours per night, with the trend being later bed times, and the teenagers waking up later during the day. A couple years later, at about nineteen to twenty years of age, the amount of sleep required by the adolescents is about seven to eight hours per night, with twenty per cent of that time spent in REM. As an adult reaches the golden years, the amount of sleep required is six and a half hours per night, with approximately twenty per cent being spent in REM sleep. The text defines the circadian rhythm as a â€Å"biological clock that is genetically programmed to regulate physiological responses within a time period of twenty-four hours (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 150). The circadian clock is genetically set for about 24 hours 18 minutes. The clock is reset by the retinal cells, which act like sensors that let in sunlight, and send signals to the brain, resetting it by eighteen minutes each day. However, there are quite a few problems associated with the circadian clock by individuals who work midnight shifts or have to fly frequently for their job, thereby getting a condition known as jet lag. First, let’s discuss individuals that work the midnight shift. These individuals go against the natural instinct of their circadian clocks, resulting in decreased performance of their cognitive and motor skills. Also, people who change shifts a lot, such as working swing shift, cause a lot of physical stress in their bodies and psychological stress in their minds. Secondly, people with jet lag often experience problems with feeling tired all the time, difficulty in being able to concentrate on a particular task, and reduced ability in their ability to use logical thinking, reasoning, or remembering. It takes people with jet lag about a day per hour of difference between time zones to recover. However, there is hope. Charles Czeisler developed a new treatment called light therapy in 1994. This treatment uses artificial light to combat fatigue in both people who work the midnight shift, and those with jet lag. Next I would like to talk about the effects that sleep deprivation has on individuals. People with sleep deprivation run the risk of having impaired immune systems, with the potential for increased infections and diseases. They also experience increased stress levels, elevated blood pressure, and an increased build-up of plaque in the arteries, with a severe potential for heart attack or stroke. Other problems they experience include the risk of obesity and diabetes, difficulty in recognizing words, and doing ordinary math problems. They are more susceptible to increased irritability, and increased difficulty in making logical and rational decisions. Terms and Concepts Perceptual Threshold -The perceptual threshold is the smallest thing that can be perceived, or recognized, by the human senses. Sensation A sensation is a relatively meaningless piece of information, that results when the brain processes electrical signals that come from the sense organs. Stimulus A stimulus is any change of energy in the environment, such as light waves, sound waves, mechanical pressure, or chemicals. Structuralists Structuralists are psychologists who believed that we add together thousands of sensations to form a perception. Gestalt Psychologists Gestalt psychologists are psychologists that believe that our brains follow general rules that specify how individual elements are to be organized into a meaningful pattern, or perception. Depth Perception Depth Perception is the ability of the eye and brain to add a third dimension called depth to all visual perceptions, even though the images being projected might only be two dimensional in nature. Consciousness Consciousness describes different levels of awareness of one’s thoughts and feelings. Biological Clock The biological clock is an internal timing device that is genetically set to regulate various physiological responses for different periods of time. Stages of Sleep Stages of sleep refer to the distinctive changes in the electrical activity of the brain, and accompanying physiological responses to the body that occur as someone passes through different phases of sleep. Hypnosis Hypnosis is a procedure in which a researcher, clinician, or hypnotist suggests that a person will experience changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Stimulants Stimulants are chemical substances such as cocaine, amphetamines, caffeine, and nicotine that increase activity of the central nervous system and result in heightened alertness, arousal, euphoria, and decreased appetite. Opiates Opiates are chemical substances such as opium, morphine, and heroin that produce three predominant effects in the central nervous system: the reduction of pain, opiate euphoria, a pleasurable state between waking and sleeping; and constipation. Hallucinogens Hallucinogens are drugs that affect someone’s mind or behavior and have the ability to produce changes in perception, thought, emotion, and awareness. Classical Conditioning Classical Conditioning is a kind of learning in which a neutral stimulus acquires the ability to produce a response that was originally produced by a different stimulus. Operant Conditioning Operant Conditioning is a kind of learning in which the consequences that follow some behavior increase or decrease the likelihood of that behavior’s occurrence in the future. Cognitive Learning Cognitive Learning is a kind of learning that involves mental processes, such as attention and memory, may be learned through observation or imitation; and may not involve any external rewards or require the person to perform any observable behaviors. Generalization Generalization is the tendency for a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus to elicit a response that is similar to the conditioned response. Discrimination Discrimination occurs when an organism learns to make a particular response to some stimuli but not to others. Extinction Extinction is a procedure in which a conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus, and, as a result, the conditioned stimulus no longer elicits the conditioned response Thorndike Thorndike was an American psychologist who lived during the 1800’s and formulated the law of effect, which stated that if some random actions are followed by a pleasurable consequence, such actions are strengthened and will likely occur in the future. Skinner Skinner was a psychologist who developed a theory known as the operant response during the 1930’s, which says that â€Å"An operant response is a response that can be modified by its consequences and is a meaningful unit of ongoing behavior that can be easily measured† (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 214). Reinforcers Reinforcers are â€Å"consequences that occur after a desired behavior and increase the chances that the behavior will occur again† (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 218). Punishment A punishment is a stimulus that â€Å"stops or decreases the occurrence of a behavior† (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 219). Schedules of Reinforcement Schedules of Reinforcement are programs or rules that determine how and when the occurrence of a response will be followed by a reinforcer (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 220). Spontaneous Recovery Spontaneous Recovery refers to either a temporary recovery in the rate of responding in operant conditioning, or the temporary occurrence of the conditioned response in the presence of the conditioned stimulus in classical conditioning (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 222). Behavior Modification â€Å"is a treatment or therapy that changes or modifies problems or undesirable behaviors by using principles of learning based on operant conditioning, classical conditioning, and social cognitive learning† (Plotnik Kouyoudmjian, 2014, p. 232). References National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2013, December 5). Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep. Retrieved January 20, 2014, from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: Plotnik, R., Kouyoudmjian, H. (2014). Introduction to Psychology. Belmont, CA, USA: Wadsworth Publishing. Retrieved January 13, 2014

Friday, September 20, 2019

Community Health Needs Assessment Tools Health And Social Care Essay

Community Health Needs Assessment Tools Health And Social Care Essay The research need to generate qualitative and quantitative data regarding a particular community health need is directly proportionate to the impact that the particular health need has on the community and sometimes even the mortality/morbidity generated by the particular health problem. In this regard, in this current assessment we review the health needs of coal mining workers in West Virginia, USA to identify hazards and risk factors pertaining to their health, by virtue of their designated profession. Community health needs assessment is a rigorous project that serves the population under study by elucidating the current needs, reflecting the situation which is often not balanced between health providers, insurance schemes, health administration and/or community leaders. It also serves at identifying particular needs that are overlooked by healthcare officials that are either novel or problematical by elucidating perceived and expressed health and wellbeing needs. In other words, it can be a useful means to depict the selected communitys horizon in respect to health needs, healthcare shortfalls and aetiology, all useful areas for the facilitation of better public health management. In order to perform an accurate community health needs assessment, research should be grounded on an up to date background study of the selected populations demographics and census (socioeconomic, workforce and other) data, where available. Moreover, particular health factors should be taken into account by managing information currently disseminated through healthcare officials (such as mortality, disease prevalence, risk factors analysis). This research would also benefit from an on-site review of environmental and work related conditions, if possible. The most useful and widely used instrument to conduct a community health needs assessment and subsequent analysis is by means of a structured questionnaire based survey that will employ cross sectional and population specific items targeted at the current health need. Moreover, the instrument should be designed with attention to environment and state specific conditions, such as regulations and laws, insurance coverage and even so, local traditions and unwritten codes of conduct. For the above reasons, in this essay we will conduct a review of available information on the community of Coal Mining Workers in West Virginia, USA. After the acquisition and analysis of the pertaining data, we will present a structured survey instrument, aiming to identify health needs with respect to existing health problems and patient satisfaction. BACKGROUND-RESEARCH We searched a wide array of online databases and organisations providing demographic and other information for the population in question. We also conducted a MEDLINE search, to draw the picture of already identified health needs and/or needs assessments already conducted in this population. Search terms employed were coal workers, west Virginia, health needs, pneumoconiosis, interstitial lung disease, occupational hazard alone or in combination. West Virginia is a state in the Mid-Atlantic section of the USA, capital Charleston. The state is notorious for its mountain composition and significant coal mining industries. The mineral and coal resources in the area are vast, and West Virginia has been considered to have fuelled a great part of the industrial revolution of the developed world. Moreover, coal mining and related work constituted major part of the employment activities of the state, while still in the 21st century, it is believed that mining safety and environmental concerns are amongst the most challenging issues facing the state. In 2009, West Virginia was inhabited by 1,819,777 people. 5.6% of West Virginias population were reported as under 5, 22.3% under 18, and 15.3% were 65 or older. Females made up approximately 51.4% of the population (United States Census Bureau, 2010). Moreover, according to US Census Bureau Data, West Virginia is the third lowest in per capita income state. It also ranks last at median household income. Virginias adult population with a bachelors degree is the lowest in the U.S. At 17.3%. The main economy is coal, and the state is the lead in coal production, second only to Wyoming.From the West Virginia Office of Miners Health, Safety and Training we find that the West Virginia Coal Industry provides about 30,000 direct jobs in WV, including miners, mine contractors, coal preparation plant employees and mine supply companies. In particular 20,715 are registered as employees in the 188 active coal mines in WV, while an additional 4,842 work as an independent contractor. From the same source we read that for 2009, fatal accidents were 3, non fatal accidents 1,164 and the accident frequency was estimated to be   2.79%. Involved in accidents are mainly high voltage equipment, and areas in and around river load outs. But apart from fatalities, a major health problem for VW coal mining workers is pneumoconiosis, or black lung. The CDC has implemented a safety and health chapter regarding occupational Respiratory Disease Surveillance, and especially for coal miners, the Enhanced Coal Workers Health Surveillance Program (ECWHSP). The ECWHSP includes surveys that include specifically designed standardized health questionnaires, work histories, spirometry testing, radiographic examinations, and collection of other relevant health information, which are gathered in a specially designed mobile examination unit by trained personnel on site.Results of the ECWHSP 2009 survey on mine workers in West Virginia are shown on table 1: Finding Examined Rate Total Participation 1,884 20% 9,593 pneumoconiosis (>=1/0 or PMF). 93 5% 1,884 pneumoconiosis (>=2/1 or PMF). 43 2% PMF 24 1% advanced pneumoconiosis 35 2% have a chronic cough. 624 34% bring up phlegm from their chest. 690 38% have chest sounds of wheezing. 613 34% have had an attack of wheezing 738 41% have experienced dyspnea on level 741 41% have experienced dyspnea on a hill 1,119 62% have chest tightness 672 37% have chronic bronchitis. 142 8% have emphysema. 79 4% have had pneumonia 337 19% have asthma 132 7% have tuberculosis. 4 0% never smoked. 954 53% former smokers 455 25% current smokers 393 22% Although under a lot of argumentation, coal and in general volatiles (dust) have been proven by sufficient evident as causes of respiratory damage. In detail, in coal miners a significant association between the level of FEV1 and dust was found, even after adjustment for age, physique and smoking (Cowie ,1999; Soutar 1989). Some more interesting figures arise from the State Health Facts website, shown in Table 2: Measured index WEST VIRGINIA USA Age-Adjusted Invasive Cancer Incidence Rate per 100,000 Population, 2005 484.2 458.4 Births of Low Birth weight as a Percent of All Births, 2006 9.7 8.3 Number of Deaths per 100,000 Population, 2007 951.7 760.31 Life Expectancy at Birth (in years), 2005 75.3 78.0 Percent of Adults Who Have Ever Been Told by a Doctor that They Have Diabetes, 2008 11,9 8,2 Number of Deaths Due to Diseases of the Heart per 100,000 Population, 2006 236,9 200,2 Asthma prevalence among adults 9.0 8,2 Percentage of Adult Population Aged 21-64 Years Who Reported a Disability, 2007 22,4 12,8 The above figures need to be assessed in caution regarding the high prevalence of occupation of coal worker in West Virginia. Apart from the apparent pathophysiology of dust entering the lungs and rendering them chronically inflammatory, with signs of fibrosis and atelectasia or other interstitial pneumonic disease or pneumonoconiasis, health needs of coal mining workers are extended to a variety of diseases that are not as commonly identifiable at the first look. Although current screening methods and occupational policies do exist for these workers, they tend to be centred on respiratory diseases. Coal Mining however, is a demanding, time consuming manual labour that is often exigent and causes a variety of clinical manifestations. As such we can consider lower back pain, physical limitations (Galagher,2005) cervical spine degenerative changes, vibration-hazard related body changes, sudden coronary death (Kopytina et al, 1993), skin lesions (Begraca et al, 1991)and mental health changes (Lagunov,1991). Moreover, the coal mining community often has unmet needs on the level of healthcare access and utilization, that different stakeholders are usually unaware. In a study by Smith et al,2005 a community health needs assessment was the means to the provision of a community nurse and a revision in healthcare provision among former miners in Kent. Having reviewed the major components of community health needs assessment for mine workers in West Virginia and having conducted the appropriate background review, we propose the following questionnaire as a tool to conducting an effective and fruitful evaluation of perceived and actual health needs, in a community of mine workers. This tool comprises of a health needs assessment part, where the answers are left open and views are encouraged for propositions in order to facilitate the analysis of expected health and participation to health concerns. The second part is a standardized demographics and health questionnaire that is used widely in this form, with minor alterations in assessing the perceived health and demographic information of the study population in question. Emphasis is given on other diseases that might affect the coal mining community ( participants are requested to count five-5 major health concerns) and on perceived level of attention and care this community is receiving or should be receiving according to its needs. A question regarding their siblings health is put in the end to elucidate concerns that are also documented in the literature regarding out of site contamination with dust by coal workers that bring their occupational hazard in the family home or by dispersion in neighbourly areas (Pless-Mulloli et al, 2001). QUESTIONNAIRE: We are conducting a review of the Health Needs within the WV coal mining community. Along with statistical data and analysis we are also interested in your viewpoints. Instructions Part One: Health Problems There are several factors that influence or determine whether the people in your coal miners community are healthy. From the following list, please rank from 1-5 (1 being the highest priority) what you think are the top five health and disability issues affecting your community? Health Issue Your Ranking (1-5) Asthma / Respiratory Disease / Pneumoconiasis Cancer Cardiovascular Disease Depression / Psychiatric Disorders Diabetes Disability Drug and Alcohol use Nutrition Obesity Oral Health Physical Injury (including violence and accidents) Self harm / Suicide Sexual Health Smoking Other (please specify below) What do you think is needed to address the top three priority issues identified above and what difference will this make? Issue 1: Issue 2: Issue 3: What is needed? What is needed? What is needed? What difference will this make? What difference will this make? What difference will this make? How much influence do you think the following have as to whether people in your coal mining community are healthy? Please mark each factor with an X, ranking influence from 1-5 following with an X Influence (1 is most, 5 is least) Factors 1 2 3 4 5 Cost of services Ease of access to health services Education Employment Family support Housing Income Social Isolation Transport Community support Insurance status Other (please specify below) Your details Please provide us with some information about yourself. This will assist us with the analysis of the questionnaire results. Please mark the following that applies to you with an X Name (optional) Ethnic Group American German decent Hispanic Other Gender Male Female Age Range Children (aged 0 14) Adults (aged 25 64) Youth (aged 15 24) Older People (aged 65+) Where do you live? metropolitan area county How many years have you worked in the coal mining sector? ( number of years) Do you consider your self healthy? Yes No What is your principal concern? How often do you visit a doctor? List one preventive diagnostic test that you had the previous 6 months: ( colorectal screening, pap test, ECG, CXR, ultrasonogram etc): Does your employer offer health promotion/wellness programs? Yes No Type of health insurance( state) : In the following section, select which answer describes you. *Note that N/A stands for not applicable Always Sometimes Never N/A You wear a seat belt: You wear a helmet when riding a bicycle, rollerblading or skateboarding: You drive the posted speed limit: You eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day: You eat fast food more than once a week: You exercise at a moderate pace at least 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week: You consume more than 3 alcoholic drinks per day (female) or more than 5 per day (male): You smoke cigarettes: You chew tobacco: You are exposed to secondhand smoke in your home or at work: You use illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.): You perform self-exams for cancer (breast or testicular): You wash your hands with soap and water after using the restroom: You undergo physiotherapy for lower back pain You apply sunscreen before planned time outside: You get a flu shot each year: You practice safe sex (condom or other barrier method, etc.): You take vitamin pills or supplements daily: You spend money on gambling more than once a month: You attend religious services regularly: You volunteer in your community (church, schools, civic organizations, etc.): You donate money to community based organizations (churches, non profit organizations, etc.): You get enough sleep each night (7-9 hours): You feel stressed out: You feel happy about your life: You feel lonely: You worry about losing your job: You feel safe in your community: You are afraid for your childrens health You feel that the government is liable for your health You feel that the government is liable for your childrens health

Racism in American History X Essay -- essays research papers fc

American History X is clearly a film dealing with racism. The interesting thing about this film is the way in which the subject is treated. First of all, it is obvious that, though racism is always a difficult subject to deal with, American History X presents it without any reservations or dumming down. Second, the film's figurehead for racism, Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton), is not an unintelligent redneck racist as films often portray them, but is in fact well-spoken, charismatic and intelligent, although he clearly holds ideals that are terribly wrong. Finally, the film shows that it is not just the white, neo-nazi racists who are fools to be involved in this, but all racism is foolish. Through these methods, the film shows the viewer, extremely convincingly, that hatred and racism will destroy a person and those around him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is immediately revealed to the audience at the outset of this movie that there will be no holds barred and no playing down the realism of this intense racial hatred. When the film flashes back to the reason for Derek’s incarceration, we see Danny wake up his brother to tell him that some black guys are trying to steal or wreck his truck, and Derek immediately jumps out of bed, grabs a gun, and shoots one of them, wounds another and fires at the third as he drives away. Then, in one of the most brutal scenes in film history, Derek forces the remaining, wounded man to put his face on the curb and Derek kicks the back of...

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Environmental Conservation :: essays research papers

There are several problems that affect our world today : crime, war, overpopulation, ? And pollution is one of the most serious problems. It is growing every year. More important, pollution, which we are creating, is destroying our sources of resources. Global warming, oil spills, air pollution,? are resulted from our litter such as exhausted from economies, broken ships. And we are suffering them : shortage of food, shortage of water. If we don?t have the suitable way to prevent pollution, the results won?t stop here. First, let talk about the supporting of our environment. Since prehistoric appeared, they have been depended on the environment. Fruits were the main source of food in this age. After revolutions, in spite of new inventions, we are still harvesting, collecting our food from fields, seas, which belong to environment. Furthermore, we are breathing the air made by trees. Our economies are operated by fossil fuels, or other sources of energy from our environment. In fact, we really need environment, everything surrounding us. Because of its free supporting, we presume that environment is our free servant and it won't be tired. It can become the most serious mistake of the human race. We take everything from environment and we throw them away after taking all of their values. We exploit resources as much as possible. When we have new advantages from new inventions, we use them as the most powerful tools to abuse environment. Under the pressure of development, global environment has been destroying seriously .What we done now leads to the catastrophic problems which we have to cope. The biggest problem is climate changing and reducing of ozone. Economies keep on growing and they release the large amount of carbon dioxide, which creates green-house effect. According to the newest research, world?s temperature increased 0.6 Celsius degree. And it is estimated to increase from 1.4 Celsius degree to 5.6 Celsius degree in 2100. Besides, CFCs has made the hole of ozone become bigger and bigger. Non-processed wastes from producing are dumped directly into rivers and streams. It leads to shortage of clean water over the world, especially in Africa, the continent with the minimum amount of rain. As the UN noticed, about 1.

Venturi house vs the Villa Mairea Essay -- Essays Papers

Venturi house vs the Villa Mairea Comparing the Venturi house vs. the Villa Mairea’s relationship to Orthodox Modernism, both Aalto and Venturi rejected the perceived sterility of Orthodox Modern buildings. This rejection led to the development of Post-Modernism in architecture. Both of these architects believed that Orthodox Modernist ultimately produced designs consisting of glass or white boxes and a desensitization for the human scale and form. The idea of Modernism, that form follows function, is defied by Venturi. He asserts that the form should be separate from both the function and the structural facts. He felt that decorative and symbolic forms should both play a part in the structural core of a building. Venturi built a home for his mother Vanna Venturi in 1963. The Venturi home is located in Chestnut Hill, PA. Venturi based the plan on a symbolic conception instead of on spatial abstraction, which he considered to be an aspect of Orthodox Modernism1. This design for his mother had a sloped roof, with the chimney becoming the center of the house. It rises up out of the roof and seems to split the house in two. It has a deliberate deadpan character. But this apparent blandness, hides the many internal complexities and contradictions of the home. This is a house that uses big and small, inside and out to counterbalance the complexity2. Complexity in combination with big scale in a small buildings achieves an appropriate architectural tension. The...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lolita :: essays research papers


Definitions of Words Relating to Colonial America :: American History Puritans War Essays

Definitions of Words Relating to Colonial America 1.Iroquois Confederacy— confederation of five indigenous North American peoples, or nations, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca; founded c.1570. 2.Powhatan Confederacy— a group of 30 Native American tribes of the Eastern Woodlands. 3.Raleigh, Sir Walter— 1554-1618, English soldier, explorer, courtier, and man of letters. He conceived and organized the colonizing expeditions to America that ended tragically with the lost colony on Roanoke Island, VA with Christopher Marlowe and George Chapman. 4.Roanoke Island— 12 mi (19 km) long and 3 mi (4.8 km) wide, off the NE coast of North Carolina between Albemarle and Pimlico sounds, site of the earliest English colony in North America. The first colonists, sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh landed in Aug. 1585 but returned to England in 1586. A second group, arriving in 1587, disappeared by the time additional supplies were brought from England in 1591. Artifacts from the lost colony are displayed in Fort Raleigh National Historic Site on the island. 5.Virginia Company— name of two English colonization companies chartered by King James I in 1606. One founded on the Plymouth Colony; the other, latter known as the London Company, founded colonies in the South, notably Jamestown, VA. 6.Jamestown— former village, SE Va., first permanent English settlement in America; est. May 14, 1607, by the London Company on a peninsula (now an island) in the James R.; named for the reigning English king, James I. 7.Royal Colony— In 1691 a new royal charter was granted for the colony of Massachusetts, which incorporated the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket Island, Maine, and Nova Scotia. Under the charter a popular assembly was established to aid the royal governor, and the right to elect representatives to the assembly was based on property qualifications, rather than on church membership. The royal charter ended control of Massachusetts government by Puritan religious leaders. 8.Puritans— ‘Followers' of Puritanism, a movement for reform in the Church of England that had a profound influence on the social, political, ethical, and theological ideas in England and America. In America the early New England settlements were Puritan in origin and theocratic in nature. The spirit of Puritanism long persisted there, and the idea of congregational democratic government was carried into the political life of the state as one source of modern democracy. 9.Plymouth Colony— settled by the Pilgrims in Massachusetts in 1620. The settlers had difficulty surviving early hardships, although a treaty with neighboring tribes assured peace for 50 years.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Positive Effects of Television Upon Children Essay -- Positive Effects

Positive Effects of Television Upon Children   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Without a doubt, television is the central and principal form of communication in many people’s lives. This form is most often exposed to a child who instantly becomes accustomed to its presence. Children are televisions largest audience, as Morris shows, â€Å"Children aged two to five look at the TV tube on an average of 28.4 hours a week; those between the ages of six and eleven average 23.6 hours a week†. Television has played an important role in many children’s lives and its viewing has been a favorite activity for many of them. The effects of television on children have been disputed. Some people have said that viewing time has a negative impact on children. Other people, however, feel that the early educational television productions for children help tehm learn.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These important questions on the topic of children’s television viewing in its early beginnings continue to be debated in society. The creation of children’s television shows in the 1940s and 1950s offered children pure entertainment and very little smart education. According to Palmer, â€Å"there were a few shows that did teach children values and morals, but the true educational television shows for children did not appear until the late 1960s(28). Not only educational shows, but public television shows, dialogue, help in increasing a child’s vocabulary and in improving he/she speaking skills. Therefore, parents should encourage their children to watch more public television today because public television helps children to read.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Television supports reading, which in turn to improves language ability. Good programming improves reading and can increase thinking. The Himmelweit confirms, â€Å"Television in the long run encourages children to read books; a conclusion that can be reinforced by evidence from libraries, book clubs, and publishing companies† (Postman 33). Dr. Hemmelweit stresses this point; â€Å"Book reading comes into its own, not despite television but because of it†(33). Television has as both an entertainer and an educator for children. Neil Postman supports television for its valuable contribution to language development in children, saying, â€Å"Long before they have learned to read, or for that matter, even begun to master their language, children may accumulate, through television, a fund of knowledge that was simply inaccessib... ...ducational television programs finally came about. These shows succeeded in intellectually educating children while also entertaining them. They have positive affects on children of all races and social status. Those who viewed it gained more knowledge over those who did not. They offered educational and beneficial programming that helps in improving a child’s vocabulary and by encouraging their reading. These programs also taught children moral values. Because public television teaches children the basic knowledge and the valuable facts of life, parents should encourage their children to watch more public television. Works Cited Lesser, Gerald S. Children and Television. New York: Random House, 1974. Lystad, Mary. â€Å"20 Years on Sesame Street.† Children Today. 1989: 20-22 Moody, Kate. Growing up on Television. New York: Times Books, 1980. Morris, Norman S. Televisions Child. Boston: Little Brown, 1971. Palmer, Edward L. Children in the Cradle of Television. United States of America: D.C. Health, 1987. Postman, Neil. Television and the Teaching of English. New York: Appleton-Centery-Crofts, 1961. Schneider, Cy. Children’s Television. Chicago: NTC Business Books, 1987.